Work Stage 3 - Planning

Having reached the point where you, the Local Authority and Historic England
are happy with the proposals, we shall produce the final, coloured up planning
drawings; the application forms for Planning Permission, Listed Building Consent
and Scheduled Monument Consent (as required); a Design and Access Statement,
which explains the proposal; a Heritage Statement which includes a history of the
house, impact assessment and plans of significance.

If your site is an Ancient Monument, a ground works/drainage plan and footing
sectional drawing will also be required.

The Local Authority sometimes ask for additional construction detailed drawings
at this stage, which may include window and door drawings; otherwise it is likely
they will attach conditions to your consent.

Council validation usually takes two weeks, and the application then takes around
eight weeks to a decision date. We will keep in contact with the Local Authority,
advising you of any comments they make.


It must be remembered that Planning Drawings are NOT Construction
Drawings. The builder will usually require fur ther Construction / Detailed
drawings to work from.

After the decision is given, all the documents are sent to you.
Most applications will require work to have started within three years of approval
being granted. If a substantial part of that application is undertaken within the 3
years, approval will be considered to have “started”, and the 3 years no longer
applies. This means work can be phased if you wish to undertake a section at a
later date. Nearly all applications have conditions attached, which require further
construction drawings and details to be submitted and discharged by the Council
before any work commences.